On January 29th we were inspected by Ofsted. Our last inspection was May 2010 and at that time we achieved the highest possible grade of ‘outstanding’.

We are delighted to announce that Ofsted still acknowledge the high standards of care at The Ark and once again, have rated us ‘outstanding’. The latest Ofsted framework is more rigorous than ever and an ‘outstanding’ grade is rare.  The full report has just been released and all the staff are delighted with the outcome.

The rigorous inspection covers key standards, including: well-being; safeguarding; teaching and learning, and leadership and management. All aspects were graded ‘outstanding’ with the inspector summarising:

  • All practitioners are exceptionally skilled and sensitive in supporting children to form secure emotional attachments. This provides a superb foundation to enable them to develop their independence and motivates them to explore.
  • Children make exceptional progress in their learning and development in this vibrant and extremely stimulation nursery. Consequently they are extremely well-prepared for school.
  • The quality of teaching and learning is outstanding. Children are extremely motivated and engage readily in new learning. Practitioners are highly skilled at using every situation to maximise learning opportunities and as a result, children make rapid progress in their learning. The range of external curriculum activities is worthy of dissemination to others.

To view our report in full please see the link below

Ofsted Report - 2014
Ofsted Report - 2014
Ofsted Report - 2014 (1).pdf
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