We are thrilled to announce that following our Ofsted inspection on Friday 16th February, we were judged to be ‘outstanding’, retaining Ofsted’s highest rating for a third time.

We were assessed throughout the day by two inspectors and in their final report, the inspectors said:

  • Staff are highly skilled at making learning exciting and at motivating children’s desire to learn and discover exceptionally well.
  • Leaders are passionate about staff’s professional development and raising standards. They are inspirational and innovative in their drive to share exemplary practice.
  • Parents describe staff as loving, caring and understanding. They say they are, ‘Blown away’ by, ‘Amazing’ practice that exceeds their expectations.

We are extremely proud of this judgement as this is a testament to our wonderful, dedicated staff team who continually strive to provide the ‘experience of a lifetime’ for all the children in their care.