The overall effectiveness of the early years provision
The management team is inspirational, highly motivated and totally focused on delivering outstanding outcomes for children in their early years. Every aspect of the provision is exemplary and all children benefit from the inspiring commitment and dedication of the staff. The setting has been awarded the Investors in People award and the harmonious team are excellent role models who are respected by children and parents.
Together, they have successfully created an environment where children thrive and flourish through varied, rich and meaningful play experiences. Systems to evaluate the provision are robust and the capacity to maintain continuous improvement is phenomenal. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are fully supported in an environment that is extremely well equipped. There are exceptional systems in place for working in partnership with parents and carers, involving them in their child’s care and education.
The effectiveness of leadership and management of the early years provision

The quality and standards of the early years provision and outcomes for children
Staff are excellent role models and are skillful at posing questions in a a calm and friendly manner so that children think about how they can resolve an issue and consider the feelings of others. Children’s self-esteem is successfully promoted by staff who provide consistent praise and encouragement.